Bordering the Snood: How To Crochet a Neat Loop Border
Yesterday I promised to reveal how I border my loops (or, "snoods", as my cousin tells me they're also called). So today I'm going to focus on, what I call, "bordering the snood". Now, you'll remember that I shared my snood pattern with you already. If you'd like to have another wee look, click the link and I'll see you in a moment. Otherwise, let's take a look at how I get that border looking so schmick. Let's take a closer look at what I'm talking about, and what we're going to do together: Detail: The loop border we're going to work on today. First thing's first - while I've used DK-weight (light worsted / 8-ply) for this project, the crochet principles apply across all yarns. Just some will, naturally, be chunkier than others. You'll want to take a good look at the loop you've crocheted and select three (or more!) complementary colours for the border. In the above photo, I had winter in mind...